Buchbesprechungen in den IMN 168-

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  • Banks J., V. Dragan, A. Jones: Chaos. A Mathematical Introduction. (Australian Mathematical Society Lecture Series 18.) Cambridge University Press, 2003, XI+294 S. ISBN 0-521-53104-7 P/b GBP 27,95.

    Besprecher: Nowak C.; IMN Nr. 196 [Lfd. Nr. 4050]


  • Banks R. B.: Slicing Piccas, Racing Turtles and Further Adventures in Applied Mathematics. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1999, XIII+286 S. ISBN 0-691-05947-0 H/ b $ 24,95..

    Besprecher: Roeschel O.; IMN Nr. 184 [Lfd. Nr. 3026]


  • Banks R. B.: Towing Icebergs, Falling Dominoes, and Other Adventures in Applied Mathematics Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1998, XIII+328 S. ISBN 0-691-05948-9 H/b $ 29,95.

    Besprecher: Feichtinger G.; IMN Nr. 189 [Lfd. Nr. 2850]


  • Bao D., S.-S. Chern, Z. Shen: An Introduction to Riemann-Finsler Geometry. With 20 Illustrations. (Graduate Texts in Mathematics 200.) Springer, New York, Berlin, Heidelberg, Barcelona, Hong Kong, London, Milan, Paris, Singapore, Tokyo, 2000, XX+431 S. ISBN 0-387-98948-X H/ b DM 98,-..

    Besprecher: Roeschel O.; IMN Nr. 187 [Lfd. Nr. 3142]


  • Baouendi M. S. - Ebenfelt P. - Preiss Rothschild L.: Real Submanifolds in Complex Space and Their Mappings. (Princeton Mathematical Series 47.) Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1999, XII+404 S., ISBN 0-691-00498-6 H/ b $ 69,50..

    Besprecher: Haslinger F.; IMN Nr. 185 [Lfd. Nr. 2928]


  • Bapat R. B. - Raghavan T. E. S.: Nonnegative Matrices and Applications. (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications 64.) Cambridge University Press, 1997, XIII+336 S. ISBN 0-521-57167-7 H/ b GBP 45,00.

    Besprecher: Kraeuter A.; IMN Nr. 180 [Lfd. Nr. 2462]


  • Bapat R. B.: Linear Algebra and Linear Models 2nd Edition. (Universitext.) Springer, New York u.a. 2000, X+138 S. ISBN 0-387-98871-8 H/b DM 89,-.

    Besprecher: Troch I.; IMN Nr. 188 [Lfd. Nr. 3151]


  • Barndorff-Nielsen O. E., T. Mikosch, S. I. Resnick (eds.): Levy Processes Theory and Applications. Birkhaeuser, Boston, Basel, Berlin, 2001, X+415 S. ISBN 0-8176-4167-X, 3-7643-4167-X H/b sFr 148,-.

    Besprecher: Hausenblas E.; IMN Nr. 188 [Lfd. Nr. 3400]


  • Barner M. - Flohr F.: Analysis II. 3., durchgesehene Auflage. (De Gruyter Lehrbuch.) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/ New York, 1996, 449 S. ISBN 3-11-015034-4 kart. DM 48,00* ISBN 3-11-015033-6 geb. DM 88,00.

    Besprecher: Ortner N.; IMN Nr. 179 [Lfd. Nr. 2168]


  • Barnes J.: Gems of Geometry Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009, xiii+311 S. ISBN 978-3-642-05091-6 H/b EUR 39,95.

    Besprecher: Geretschlaeger R.; IMN Nr. 217 [Lfd. Nr. 4909]


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