Differential Geometry and Geometric Structures
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Students' Work: Confocal Quadrics


The quadrics of a confocal system fall into three families: ellipsoids, one-sheeted hyperboloids, and two-sheeted hyperboloids. Surfaces from different families intersect each other orthogonally. Their intersection curves are curvature lines.
Here only some intersection curves are displayed.

Created by Thomas Machinek (2010) using POV-Ray - The Persistance of Vision Raytracer.

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Archimedean Solids
Confocal Quadrics
Dupin Cyclides
Elliptic Linear Congruence
Geodesics on a Cone
Helices on a Helicoid
Hyperosculating Spheres
Impossible Objects
Klein Bottle
Menger Sponge
Möbius Tetrahedra
Pascal's Pyramid
Pipe Surfaces
Planar Sections of a Torus
Platonic Solids
Prince Rupert's Cube
Saddle Surfaces
Schwarz Lanterns
Spherical Loxodromes
Stationary Points
Striction Curves

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Last modified on February 18th, 2016.