Buchbesprechungen in den IMN 168- Ihre Suche ergab 2311 Treffer.
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Besprecher: Narayan Bhat U.: An Introduction to Queueing Theory; IMN Nr. Modeling and Analysis in Applications. (Statistics for Industry and Technology.) Birkhaeuser, Boston, Basel, Berlin, 2008, xii+268 S. ISBN 978-0-8176-4724-7 H/b EUR 53,39 [Lfd. Nr. ]
Bonato A., R. J. Nowakowski: The Game of Cops and Robbers on Graphs (Student Mathematical Library, Vol. 61.) American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island, 2011, xix+276 S. ISBN 978-0-8218-5347-4 P/b $ 45,00.
Besprecher: W. Imrich; IMN Nr. 226 [Lfd. Nr. 5023]
. Borwein J. , E. M. Rocha, J. F. Rodrigues (eds.): Communicating Mathematics in the Digital Era A. K. Peters, Wellesley, Massachusetts, 2008, xii+325 S. ISBN 978-1-56881-410-0 H/b $ 49,--.
Besprecher: Prodinger H.; IMN Nr. 212 [Lfd. Nr. 4725]
. Buhler J. P., P. Stevenhagen (eds.): Algorithmic Number Theory: Lattices, Number Fields, Curves and Cryptography (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications 44.) Cambridge University Press, 2008, x+652 S. ISBN 978-0-521-80854-5 H/b GBP 50,--.
Besprecher: Winterhof A.; IMN Nr. 212 [Lfd. Nr. 4756]
. Krantz S. G., H. R. Parks: Geometric Integration Theory (Cornerstones.) Birkhaeuser, Boston, Basel, Berlin, 2008, ix+339 S. ISBN 978-0-8176-4676-9 H/b EUR 58,74.
Besprecher: M. Gruber P.; IMN Nr. 212 [Lfd. Nr. 4649]
Abbott St.: Understanding Analysis. With 35 Illustrations. (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics.) Springer, New York u.a. 2001, XII+257 S. ISBN 0-387-95060-5 H/b DM 79,-.
Besprecher: Kronfellner M.; IMN Nr. 193 [Lfd. Nr. 3364]
Abele A. E., H. Neunzert, R. Tobies: Traumjob Mathematik!. Berufswege von Frauen und Maennern in der Mathematik. Birkhaeuser Verlag, Basel, Boston, Berlin, 2004, IX+192 S. ISBN 3-7643-6749-0 P/b EUR 28,79.
Besprecher: Schloeglmann W.; IMN Nr. 198 [Lfd. Nr. 4173]
Ablowitz M. J. - Fokas A. S.: Complex Variables. Introduction and Applications. (Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics.) Cambridge University Press, 1997, XII+647 S. ISBN 0-521-48523-1 P/ b GBP 19,95* ISBN 0-521-48058-2 H/ b GBP 55,00.
Besprecher: Hertling J.; IMN Nr. 182 [Lfd. Nr. 2456]
Ablowitz M. J., A. S. Fokas: Complex Variables. Introduction and Applications. Second Edition. (Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics.) Cambridge University Press, 2003, XII+647 S. ISBN 0-521-53429-1 P/b GBP 29,95.
Besprecher: Ortner N.; IMN Nr. 196 [Lfd. Nr. 4076]
Abramovich Y.A., C. D. Aliprantis: An Invitation to Operator Theory. (Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 50) American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island, 2002, XIV+530 S. ISBN 0-8218-2146-6 H/b $ 69,-.
Besprecher: Bulla W.; IMN Nr. 198 [Lfd. Nr. 3891]
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