Buchbesprechungen in den IMN 168- Ihre Suche ergab 2311 Treffer.
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Beineke L. W. - Wilson R. J.: Graph Connections. Relationships between Graph Theory and other Areas of Mathematics. (Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications 5.) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1997, XI+291 S. ISBN 0-19-851497-2 H/ b GBP 35,00.
Besprecher: Dorninger D.; IMN Nr. 177 [Lfd. Nr. 2494]
Bekka B., P. de la Harpe, A. Valette: Kazhdan's Property (T) (New Mathematical Monographs 11.) Cambridge University Press, 2008, xiii+472 S. ISBN 978-0-521-88720-5 H/b GBP 50,--.
Besprecher: Luef F.; IMN Nr. 217 [Lfd. Nr. 4694]
Bekka M. B., M. Mayer: Ergodic Theory and Topological Dynamics of Group Actions on Homogeneous Spaces (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 269.) Cambridge University Press, 2000, X+200 S. ISBN 0-521-66030-0 P/b GBP 24,95.
Besprecher: Grabner P.; IMN Nr. 189 [Lfd. Nr. 3222]
Beletsky V. V.: Essays on the Motion of Celestial Bodies. Translated from the Russian by A. Iacob. Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, Boston, Berlin, 2001, XVIII+372 S. ISBN 3-7643-5866-1 H/b sFr 228,-.
Besprecher: Troger H.; IMN Nr. 190 [Lfd. Nr. 3538]
Bellaiche A. - Risler J.-J. (Eds.) Sub-Riemannian Geometry. (Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 144.) Birkhaeuser Verlag, Basel, Boston, Berlin, 1996, VIII+393 S. ISBN 3-7643-5476-3, 0-8176-5476-3 geb. sfr 88,00.
Besprecher: Paukowitsch H.P.; IMN Nr. 175 [Lfd. Nr. 2370]
BELLOMO N. - BRZEZNIAK Z. - DE SOCIO L. M.: Nonlinear Stochastic Evolution Problems in Applied Sciences. (Mathematics and Its Applications, Volume 82.) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London, 1992, XIV+219 S. ISBN 0-7923-2042-5 H/ b Dfl. 145.00.
Besprecher: Eder G.; IMN Nr. 168 [Lfd. Nr. 1796]
Bellomo N., M. Pulvirenti (Eds.): Modeling in Applied Sciences A Kinetic Theory Approach. (Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology.) Birkhaeuser, Boston, Basel, Berlin, 2000, XIV+419 S. ISBN 0-8176-4102-5, 3-7643-4102-5 H/b sFr 138,-.
Besprecher: Troch I.; IMN Nr. 188 [Lfd. Nr. 3169]
Beltrami E.: What Is Random?. Chance and order in mathematics and life. Copernicus (Springer), New York, 1999, XX+201 S. ISBN 0-387-98737-1 H/b DM 39,90.
Besprecher: Wertz W.; IMN Nr. 192 [Lfd. Nr. 2966]
Ben-Artzi M., J. Falcovitz: Generalized Riemann Problems in Computational Fluid Dynamics. (Cambridge Monographs on Applied and Computational Mathematics 18.) Cambridge University Press, 2003, XVI+349 S. ISBN 0-521-77296-6 H/b GBP 55,00.
Besprecher: Hertling R.; IMN Nr. 197 [Lfd. Nr. 4051]
Bender H. - Glaubermann G.: Local Analysis for the Odd Order Theorem. (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 188.) Cambridge University Press, 1994, XI+174 S. ISBN 0-521-45716-5 brosch. GBP 19,95 ISBN 0-521-45112-4 geb..
Besprecher: Kowol G.; IMN Nr. 175 [Lfd. Nr. 2024]
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