Helmut Pottmann


Applied Geometry
Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10/104
A-1040 Vienna, Austria


Helmut Pottmann

Former head of research group Applied Geometry [www]
Founder of the Center for Geometry and Computational Design[www]

Education — Professional Experience — Research Interests: Show Details Hide Details
  • Dr. techn. in Mathematics, Vienna University of Technology, 6/83
  • 'Mag. rer. nat.' (comparable to M.S.) in Mathematics, Vienna University of Technology, 4/82
  • Study of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry, Vienna University of Technology, 9/77-6/83

Professional Experience
  • Director, Center for Geometric Modeling and Scientific Visualization, KAUST, Saudi-Arabia
  • Visiting Chair Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 3/04 - 4/04, 5/04 - 6/04
  • Key Researcher, Competence Center 'Advanced Computer Vision', Vienna, since 7/00
  • Adjunct Professor, University of California, Davis, USA, since 6/99
  • Director, Institute of Geometry, Vienna University of Technology, 10/94-5/97
  • Professor of Geometry, Vienna University of Technology, since 3/92
  • Associate Professor of Mathematics, University of Hamburg, Germany, 4/91 - 2/92
  • Visiting Associate Professor of Computer Science, Purdue University, USA, 8/90 - 4/91
  • Visiting Associate Professor of Computer Science, University Kaiserslautern, Germany, 7/89 - 6/90
  • Research stay, Center of Applied Mathematics, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany, 4/89 - 6/89
  • Assistant Professor, Institute of Geometry, Vienna University of Technology, 10/88 - 4/91
  • Habilitation in `Geometry', Vienna University of Technology, 4/86
  • 'Universitätsassistent', Institute of Geometry, TU Wien, 5/82 - 10/88

Research Interests
  • Industrial Geometry
  • Architectural Geometry
  • Discrete Differential Geometry
  • Relations between Geometry, Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory
  • Computer Aided Geometric Design, Geometric Modelling and Computer Vision
  • Applications of Geometry in Manufacturing
  • Kinematical Geometry and Robot Kinematics


Book: Architectural Geometry
H. Pottmann, A. Asperl, M. Hofer and A. Kilian
Bentley Institute Press (2007), 724 pages.
(2200 figures in color, ISBN 978-1-934493-04-5)

Deutsche Ausgabe:
H. Pottmann, A. Asperl, M. Hofer and A. Kilian
Springer & Bentley Institute Press (2010), 1st Edition., 474 S.
(650 Abb. in Farbe., Geb. ISBN: 978-3-211-99765-9)

Book: Computational Line Geometry
Computational Line Geometry
H. Pottmann and J. Wallner
Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin u.a. 2001, 565 pp.
(ISBN 3-540-42058-4, 264 figs., 17 in color)

Softcover edition:
Computational Line Geometry
H. Pottmann and J. Wallner
Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2010. ISBN 978-3-642-04017-7.

Selected Publications
Approximation by Meshes with Spherical Faces
A.S. Ramos Cisneros, A. Aikyn, M. Kilian, H. Pottmann, and C. Müller
ACM Trans. Graphics 43, 6 (2024), 1-17, Proc. SIGGRAPH.
The Geometry of Principal symmetric structures
H. Pottmann and D. Pellis
Structures 60, p. 9, (2024).
Flexible Kokotsakis Meshes with Skew Faces: Generalization of the Orthodiagonal Involutive Type
A. Aikyn, Y. Liu, D. Lyakhov, F. Rist, H. Pottmann and D. Michels
Computer-Aided Design 168, p. 14, (2024).
Meshes with Spherical Faces
M. Kilian, A.S. Ramos Cisneros, C. Müller and H. Pottmann
ACM Trans. Graphics 42, 6 (2023), 177:1-177:19.
Developable quad meshes and contact element nets
V. Ceballos Inza, F. Rist, J. Wallner and H. Pottmann
ACM Trans. Graphics 42, 6 (2023), 176:1-176:12, Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia.
Rectifying strip structures
B. Wang, H. Wang, E. Schling and H. Pottmann
ACM Trans. Graphics 42, 6 (2023), 256:1-256:19, Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia.
The Geometry of Discrete Asymptotic-Geodesic 4-Webs in Isotropic 3-Space
C. Müller and H. Pottmann
Monatsh. Math. 203, 223-246 (2024).
Deployable strip structures
D. Liu, D. Pellis, Y-C. Chiang, F. Rist, J. Wallner H. Pottmann
ACM Trans. Graphics 42, 4, (2023).
On helical surfaces with a constant ratio of principal curvatures
Y. Liu, O. Pirahmad H. Wang D. Michels and H. Pottmann
Contributions to Algebra and Geometry, to appear, (2022).
Designing asymptotic geodesic hybrid gridshells
E. Schling, H. Wang, S. Hoyer, and H. Pottmann
Computer Aided Design 152 (2022).
Characteristic parameterizations of surfaces with a constant ratio of principal curvatures
H. Wang, and H. Pottmann
Comp.-Aided Geometric Design 93 (2022).
Planar panels and planar supporting beams in architectural structures
C. Jiang, C. Wang, X. Tellier, J. Wallner, and H. Pottmann
ACM Trans. Graphics 41 (2022).
Shape-morphing mechanical metamaterials
C. Jiang, F. Rist, H. Wang, J. Wallner and H. Pottmann
Computer Aided Design, 143 (2022).
Using isometries for computational design and fabrication
C. Jiang, H. Wang, V. Ceballos Inza, F. Dellinger, F. Rist, J. Wallner, and H. Pottmann
ACM Trans. Graphics 40, 4 (2021), 42:1-42:12, Proc. SIGGRAPH.
Computational design of Weingarten surfaces
D. Pellis, M. Kilian, H. Pottmann, and M. Pauly
ACM Trans. Graphics 40, 4 (2021), 114:1-114:11, Proc. SIGGRAPH.
Geometry and tool motion planning for curvature adapted CNC machining
M. Bizzarri, M. Barton, F. Rist, O Sliusarenko, and H. Pottmann
ACM Trans. Graphics 40, 4 (2021), 180:1-180:16, Proc. SIGGRAPH.
Characterizing envelopes of moving rotational cones and applications in CNC machining
M. Skopenkov, P. Bo, M. Barton and H. Pottmann
Comp. Aided Geometric Design (2020), 83.
Non-Euclidean Laguerre geometry and incircular nets
A.I. Bobenko, C.O.R. Lutz, H. Pottmann, and J. Techter
ArXiv e-prints, 2009.00978 (2020).
Computational Design of Cold Bent Glass Facades
K. Gavriil, R. Guseinov, J. Perez, D. Pellis, P. Henderson, F. Rist, H. Pottmann, and B. Bickel
ACM Trans. Graphics 39(6) 208:1-208:16, 2020. Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia.
Freeform quad-based kirigami
C. Jiang, F. Rist, H. Pottmann, and J. Wallner
ACM Trans. Graphics 39, 6 (2020), Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia.
Architectural freeform surfaces designed for cost-effective paneling through mold re-use
D. Pellis, M. Kilian, H. Wang, C. Jiang, C. Müller, and H. Pottmann
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2020.
Computational design and optimization of quad meshes based on diagonal meshes
C. Jiang, C. Wang, E. Schling and H. Pottmann
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2020.
Quad-mesh based isometric mappings and developable surfaces
C. Jiang, C. Wang, F. Rist, J. Wallner and H. Pottmann
ACM Trans. Graphics, 39(4), 2020, Proc. SIGGRAPH.
Principal Symmetric Meshes
D. Pellis, H. Wang, M. Kilian, F. Rist, H. Pottmann, and C. Müller
ACM Trans. Graphics 39, 4 (2020), 127:1-127:17, Proc. SIGGRAPH.
Smooth polyhedral surfaces
F. Günther, C. Jiang, and H. Pottmann
Advances in Mathematics, 363, (2020).
Multi-nets: Classification of discrete and smooth surfaces with characteristic properties on arbitrary parameter rectangles
A.I. Bobenko, H. Pottmann, and T. Rörig
Discrete Comput. Geom. 63, (2020), 624-655.
Checkerboard patterns with black rectangles
C. Jiang, C-H. Peng, P. Wonka, and H. Pottmann
ACM Trans. Graphics 38,6 (Proc. SIGGRAPH ASIA), 2019.
Curve-pleated Structures
C. Jiang, K. Mundilova, F. Rist, J. Wallner, and H. Pottmann
ACM Trans. Graphics 38,6 (Proc. SIGGRAPH ASIA), 2019.
Discrete Geodesic Parallel Coordinates
H. Wang, D. Pellis, F. Rist, H. Pottmann, and C. Müller
ACM Trans. Graphics 38,6 (2019), 173:1-173:13, Proc. SIGGRAPH ASIA.
Visual Smoothness of Polyhedral Surfaces
D. Pellis, M. Kilian, F. Dellinger, J. Wallner and H. Pottmann
ACM Trans. Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 2019.
Discretizations of surfaces with constant ratio of principal curvatures
M.R. Jimenez, C. Müller and H. Pottmann
Discrete Comput. Geom. 63(3), (2020), 670-704.
Optimizing B-spline surfaces for developability and paneling architectural freeform surfaces
K. Gavriil, A. Schiftner and H. Pottmann
Computer-Aided Design (2019), 111, 29-43.
Aligning principal stress and curvature directions
D. Pellis and H. Pottmann
In L. Hesselgren et al., editors, Advances in Architectural Geometry 2018, pages 34-53, 2018.
Design and Construction of Curved Support Structures with Repetitive Parameters
E. Schling, M. Kilian, H. Wang, J. Schikore, H. Pottmann
In L. Hesselgren et al., editors, Advances in Architectural Geometry 2018, pages 140-165, 2018.
Designing patterns using triangle-quad hybrid meshes
C-h. Peng, H. Pottmann, P. Wonka
ACM Trans. Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 37(4), 2018.
Material-minimizing forms and structures
M. Kilian, D. Pellis, J. Wallner and H. Pottmann
ACM Trans. Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), 36(6), 2017.
Automatic fitting of conical envelopes to free-form surfaces for flank CNC machining
P. Bo, M. Barton, and H. Pottmann
Computer Aided Design, (2017), 91, 84-94.
Vertex normals and face curvatures of triangle meshes
X. Sun, C. Jiang, J. Wallner and H. Pottmann
In A. Bobenko, editor, Advances in Discrete Differential Geometry, pages 267-286, Springer 2016.
Geometry and freeform architecture
H. Pottmann and J. Wallner
In W. König, editor, Mathematics and Society, pages 131-151. EMS 2016.
Measuring and controlling fairness of triangulations
C. Jiang, F. Günther, J. Wallner and H. Pottmann
In S. Adriaenssens et al., editors, Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016, pages 24-39. VDF Hochschulverlag, ETH Zürich, 2016.
Analysis and design of curved support structures
C. Tang, M. Kilian, P. Bo, J. Wallner and H. Pottmann
In S. Adriaenssens et al., editors, Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016, pages 8-23. VDF Hochschulverlag, ETH Zürich, 2016.
Towards efficient 5-axis flank CNC machining of free-form surfaces via fitting envelopes of surfaces of revolution
Pengbo Bo, Michael Bartoň, Denys Plakhotnik and Helmut Pottmann
Computer Aided Design (2016), 79, 1-11.
Interactive design of developable surfaces
C. Tang, P. Bo, J. Wallner and H. Pottmann
ACM Trans. Graphics, 35(2), 2016, #12,1-12.
Polyhedral Patterns
C. Jiang, C. Tang, A. Vaxman, P. Wonka and H. Pottmann
ACM Trans. Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), 34(6), 2015.
Precise Gouging-free Tool Orientations for 5-Axis CNC Machining
Y.-J. Kim, G. Elber, M. Bartoň and H. Pottmann
Computer-Aided Design (2015), 15, 220-229.
Cell packing structures.
H. Pottmann, C. Jiang, M. Höbinger, J. Wang, P. Bompas and J. Wallner
Computer-Aided Design (2015), 60, 70-83.
Architectural Geometry
H. Pottmann, M. Eigensatz, A. Vaxman and J. Wallner
Computers and Graphics (2015), vol. 47, 145-164.
Interactive Modeling of Architectural Freeform Structures - Combining Geometry with Fabrication and Statics
C. Jiang, C. Tang, M. Tomičić, J. Wallner and H. Pottmann
AAG 2014.
Form-finding with Polyhedral Meshes Made Simple.
C. Tang, X. Sun, A. Gomes, J. Wallner, and H. Pottmann
ACM Trans. Graphics 33/4 (2014), Proc. SIGGRAPH.
Freeform Honeycomb Structures
C. Jiang, J. Wang, J. Wallner and H. Pottmann
Computer Graphics Forum 33/5 (2014), Proc. Symp. Geom. Processing.
Smooth surfaces from rational bilinear patches
L. Shi, J. Wang and H. Pottmann
Comput. Aided Geom. Design (2014), 31(1), 1-12.
Detection and reconstruction of freeform sweeps.
M. Barton, H. Pottmann and J. Wallner
Computer Graphics Forum 33/2 (2014), Proc. Eurographics.
2007 — 2013
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Work for Scientific Journals
  • Editorial board of SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry
  • Editorial board of Geometry and Computing
  • Editorial board of Graphical Models
  • Editorial board of Computational Visual Media
  • Editorial board of Computer-aided Design
  • Editorial board of Journal of Computational Design and Engineering