Institute of
Discrete Mathematics
 and Geometry

ESI-Program 2006:
Rigidity and Flexibility

The International Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematical Physics (ESI) is supporting the program Rigidity and Flexibility scheduled for April 23 - May 6, 2006

This program is aimed at the study of various flexible and rigid structures such as flexible polyhedra and frameworks, polyhedral herissons and virtual polytopes, smooth herissons and smooth surfaces.
Within this program the two workshops

will be organized in cooperation with the Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry of the Vienna University of Technology.

The organizers of this program invite persons interested in the above-mentioned topics to take part in this program, to share ideas and experiences among different disciplines.

for the organization
Victor Alexandrov, Idzhad Kh. Sabitov, Hellmuth Stachel

Last update March 15, 2006