Friends and neighbours
Vienna 1977: 80th Birthday of J. Krames
Innsbruck 1981: 10th Congress of the Austrian Mathematical Society - DMV Jahrestagung
Vienna 1982: Institute of Geometry
Rein 1983: 2. Österreichisches Geometrie-Kolloquium
Oberwolfach 1985 : Foundations of Geometry
- Lester, Ceccherini, Benz, Tecklenburg, Schaeffer, Marchi, Tallini-Scafati
- Lunardon, Bichara, Simon, Tallini, Barlotti, Hotje
- Zeitler, Melone, Mazzocca, André, de Resmini
Oberwolfach 1986: Algebraic Geometry from a Synthetic Point of View
- Front: Wefelscheid, Burau, Karzel; Middle: Timmermann, Havlicek, Herzer, Sörensen, Windelberg; Back: Kroll, Hotje, Schröder, Kist, Kreuzer
Vienna 1988: 60th Birthday of H. Brauner
Seggauberg 1989: Colloquium in memoriam Prof. F. Hohenberg
Slovakia 1989: 2nd Austro-Czechoslovak Symposium on Geometry
- Havlicek, Vogler, Fuhs, Rath, Lang, Weiß, Mick, Manhart
- Ježek, Drs, Velichová, Mick, Novák, Havlicek
- Jank, Novák
Thessaloniki 1991: 3rd International Conference of Geometry
- Lester, Samaga, Weiß, Havlicek, Rath., Mrs. Manhart, Blunck
- Papadopoulou, Taouktsoglou, Stamatakis
- Stamou, Mrs. Manhart, Havlicek
- Stefanidis
Oberwolfach 1993: Foundations of Geometry
Balatonföldvár 1995: Konstruktive Geometrie
Thessaloniki 1996: 4th International Conference of Geometry
Potsdam 1997: Conference on Geometry
Debrecen 1997
München 1998: 70th Birthday of H. Karzel
Brescia 1998
Mondello 1998: Combinatorics '98
Balatonföldvár 1998: Konstruktive Geometrie
Nahsholim 1999: 8th International Conference on Geometry
- Artzy
- Camp, Gmainer, Manhart, Weiß, Klotzek, Riesinger, Samaga, Huang, Blunck
- Havlicek, Artzy, Benz
Vorau 1999: Geometrie-Tagung
- Nagy, Havlicek, Blunck, List, Gmainer
- Stamou, Husty, Mrs. Stamou, Mrs. Weiß, Havlicek, Manhart, Blunck,
Gmainer, Rath, Bär, Mick
Varna 1999: 4th International Conference on Geometry and Applications
Sofia 1999
Vienna 1999-2000: Institute of Geometry
Gaeta 2000: Combinatorics 2000
Vienna 2000
Vienna 2001: City Marathon
Varna 2001: 5th International Conference on Geometry and Applications
Vienna 2001: 15th Congress of the Austrian Mathematical Society - DMV Jahrestagung
Berlin 2002: Geometry and Algebra
Vienna 2002: City Marathon
Vorau 2002: Geometrie Tagung
Maratea 2002: Combinatorics '02
Brescia 2002
Budapest 2002: 50th Anniversary of the Department of Geometry
- Szirmai, Havlicek, Molnár, Lednecky, Bognár-Máthé, Horváth, Sliepcevic, Bölczkei, Farkas, Molnár-Sáska, Szenes
Vienna 2002
Berlin 2002: 60th Birthday of R.-H. Schulz
Varna 2003: 6th International Conference on Geometry and Applications
Vienna 2003
Vorau 2004: Geometrie Tagung
Brescia 2004: Scuola Estiva di Geometria Combinatoria e Ottimizzazione
Ljubljana 2005
Dresden 2005: 30. Süddeutsches Differentialgeometrie Kolloquium
Vienna 2005
Varna 2005: 7th International Conference on Geometry and Applications
Some of my pictures from the lecture hall are of low quality due to the dark curtains.
Many more photographs from this conference await you at the site of
Ralph-Hardo Schulz.
Hamburg 2005: 100th Birthday of E. Sperner
Dresden 2006: 60th Birthday of G. Weiß
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