K. List: Faktorisierungsalgorithmen und ihre Implementierung im Computeralgebrasystem DERIVE, Diploma Thesis, 1995. (Supervisor: Johann Wiesenbauer)
K. List: Orthogonalitätstreue Plückertransformationen hyperbolischer Räume, Doctoral Thesis, 1998. (Supervisors: Hans Havlicek, Hellmuth Stachel)
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K. List: On orthogonality-preserving Plücker transformations in Hyperbolic
Spaces, Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 70 (2000), 63-75.
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K. List: Harmonic mappings and hyperbolic Plücker transformations, J. Geometry, 70 (2001), 108-116
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H. Havlicek, K. List, C. Zanella: On automorphisms of flag spaces, Linear Multilinear Algebra 50 (2002), 241-251
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H. Havlicek, K. List: A three-dimensional Laguerre geometry and its visualization, in: G. Weiß (ed.): Proceedings - Dresden Symposium Geometry: Constructive and Kinematic" (DSG.CK), Institut für Geometrie, TU Dresden, Dresden, 2003, pp. 122-129. (ISBN 3-86005-394-9)
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- K. List: Geometrie des M.C. Escher, Tag der offenen Tür, TU Vienna, Austria, September 1997.
- K. List: Plücker Transformations of Hyperbolic spaces, Combinatorics '98, Mondello (Palermo), Italy, June 1998.
- K. List: Über Geradenabbildungen in hyperbolischen Räumen, Geometrie-Tagung, Vorau, Austria, May 1999.
- K. List: Plücker Transformations in Line Geometry, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy, July 1999.
- Automorphismen von Flaggenrämen, ÖMG-Kongress, Vienna, September 2001.
- K. List: Flaggenräume 3-dimensionaler projektiver Räume, Geometrie-Tagung,Vorau, Austria, May 2002.