Kiumars Sharifmoghaddam
FWF Researcher
Institut für Diskrete Mathematik und Geometrie
Forschungsgruppe Differentialgeometrie und Geometrische Strukturen
Technische Universität Wien
Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10/104
A-1040 Wien, Austria
Academic Education
B.Sc in Pure Mathematics at University of Tehran, 09/2012
M.Sc in Computer Science at Shahid Beheshti University, 09/2019
Thesis: An Algorithm to Construct Table Cartogram on Hexagonal Grid
PhD candidate at TU Wien , 03/2020 - now
Research Interests
Computational Geometry
Discrete Differential Geometry
Architectural Geometry
Parametric and Computational Design
Mathematical Programming
Professional Experience
Teacher at the National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents (NODET), 09/2007 - 09/2019
Manager of the NODET Mathematics Department , 09/2008 - 08/2009, 09/2016 - 08/2019
Lecturer of the course "Structure and Geometry", University of Innsbruck, 10/2021 - 03/2022
Lecturer of the course "Parametric Foldable Design and Digital Fabrication", TU Graz, 10/2022 - 03/2023
Instructor of the course "Advanced Parametric Modeling", TU Wien, 10/2022 - 03/2023
FWF Researcher at TU Wien (Subproject SP7 of SFB Advanced Computational Design),
Sharifmoghaddam, K. T-hedral Origami: Towards Unifying Representation of Rigid-foldable and Curved Patterns. In preperation.
Kilian, M., Nawratil, G., Raffaelli, M., Rasoulzadeh, A. and Sharifmoghaddam, K. (2024) Interactive design of discrete Voss nets and simulation of their rigid foldings.
Under review by the Journal of Computer Aided Geometric Design.
Sharifmoghaddam, K. , Nawratil, G. , Mundilova, K. , and Tachi, T. (2024) Woven Rigidly Foldable T-hedral Tubes Along Translational Surfaces.
Accepted for 8th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education-8OSME.
Lee, M., Sharifmoghaddam, K. and Tachi, T. (2024) Multistable Polyhedral Origami Modules for Curved Surface Assembly.
Under review IASS Annual symposium 2024.
Vasylevska, K., Ghazanfari, M., Sharifmoghaddam, K. , Mortezapoor, S. , Vonach, E., Brument, H., Nawratil, G. and Kaufmann, H. (2024) Stiffness Simulation with Haptic Feedback Using Robotic Gripper and Paper Origami as End-Effector.
Workshop on Novel Input Devices and Interaction Techniques - NIDIT at IEEE VR.
Maleczek, R., Sharifmoghaddam, K., Nawratil, G. and Preisinger, C. (2023) Bridging the gap-A study on foldable tubular bridges.
In the Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposium 2023.
Vasylevska, K., Batik T., Brument, H., Sharifmoghaddam, K., Nawratil, G., Vonach, E., Mortezapoor, S. and Kaufmann, H. (2023) Action-Origami Inspired Haptic Devices for Virtual Reality.
Extended abstract in ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Emerging Technologies. DOI: 10.1145/3588037.3595393.
Kovács, B. I., Erb, I. , Sharifmoghaddam, K., Lipp, L., Wimmer, M. and Ferschin P. (2023). The Theatre Metaphor for Spatial Computing in Architectural Design.
in Creative Construction e-Conference 2023, (pp 674-683) Keszthely, Hungary. DOI: 10.3311/CCC2023-087.
Ferschin, P., Suter, G., Palma, M. , Erb, I., Hahn, D., Kovács, B., Nawratil, G. and Sharifmoghaddam, K. (2023). Transformable luminaire design: from digital sketch to fabrication through computation and simulation.
Proceedings of the 41st Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe eCAADe 2023, Volume 1, pp. 117-126. DOI: 10.52842/conf.ecaade.2023.1.117
Sharifmoghaddam, K., Maleczek, R., and Nawratil, G. (2023). Generalizing rigid-foldable tubular structures of T-hedral type.
In the Journal of Mechanics Research Communications. DOI: 10.1016/j.mechrescom.2023.104151.
Kovács, B. I., Sharifmoghaddam, K., Jauk, J., Erb, I. , Stavric, M., Nawratil, G. and Ferschin P. (2022). Integrative Mixed Reality Sketching.
In Creative Construction e-Conference 2022 (pp. 233-240). Budapest University of Technology and Economics. DOI: 10.3311/CCC2022-030
Sharifmoghaddam, K., Nawratil, G., Rasoulzadeh, A., and Tervooren, J. (2021). Using flexible trapezoidal quad-surfaces for transformable design.
Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2020/21 and the 7th International Conference on Spatial Structures (pp. 3236-3248)
Ali Bahmani, Kiumars Sharifmoghaddam, Andrew Hudson: Using origami to enrich mathematical understanding of self similarity and fractals.
In Origami 6 (Vol. 95), pp. 723-733, American Mathematical Soc., 2015. doi:10.1090/mbk/095.2/32
Kiumars Sharifmoghaddam: Origami designs.
In origami convention books, 2013-2021.
International Conference on Evolving Design and Discrete Differential Geometry - towards
Mathematics Aided Geometric Design, to be held in Fukuoka, March 10-13 2025, Japan, Keynote Speaker, Title: TBA.
8th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education (8OSME), to be held in Melbourne, Australia, July 16-18 2024,
Oral presentation, Title: Woven Rigidly Foldable T-hedral Tubes Along Translational Surfaces.
8th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education (8OSME), to be held in Melbourne, Australia, July 16-18 2024,
Oral presentation, Title: T-hedral Origami: Towards Unifying Representation of Rigid-foldable and Curved Patterns.
Special Semester on Rigidity and Flexibility, Workshop on Structures - Polyhedra, Meshes, Platforms, Linz, Austria, May 13-17 2024,
Invited Speaker, Title: Exploring T-hedral Origami across varied Topologies.
36th Origami Science/Mathematics/Education Research Conference, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 18-19 2023,
Oral presentation, Title: Generalization of Rigid-foldable Tubular Structures.
Conference on Geometry: Theory and Applications CGTA2023, Kefermarkt, Austria, June 19-23 2023,
Oral presentation, Title: Interactive design of discrete Voss nets and simulation of their rigid foldings.
9th International Conference MoNGeometrija, Novi Sad, Serbia, June 7-10 2023, Invited
Keynote Speaker, Title: When Escher meets Miura: A Geometric Exploration on Foldable and Transformale Structures. mongeometrija 2023
Symposium on Geometry and Computational Design (GCD), Vienna, September 9 2022, Austria, Title: Flexible Trapezoidal Quad surfaces for Transformable Design.
IASS Annual Symposium 2020/21 and the 7th International Conference on Spatial Structures, online due to COVID 19, hosted by University of Surrey,
August 23-27 2020, UK, Title: Using flexible trapezoidal quad surfaces for transformable design.
Week of Advancing AEC, IntCDC Conference 2022: Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Future-Proof Architecture, Stuttgart, Germany, Oct. 10-14 2022,
Poster Presentation, Title: On rigid-foldable tubular structures of T-hedral type.
Release of Software
Scutes: an interactive Rhino/Grasshopper plugin developed in C-Sharp, offering construction and deformation capabilities
for rigidly deformable quad-meshes to designers, architects, and engineers. [DOWNLOAD]
Quick Links
Birgit Slama (Secretary)
How to Find Us
Institute Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry
External Links
TU Wien
Center for Geometry and Computational Design