Technische Universität Wien
Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry
Research group Differential Geometry & Geometric Structures
Directory [tiss]
Ivan Izmestiev (head)
Birgit Slama (secretary)
Sara Bentrifa
Jan Gregorovic
Hans Havlicek (retired)
Udo Hertrich-Jeromin
Ilya Kossovskiy
Friedrich Manhart (retired)
Georg Nawratil
Eleni Pachyli
Denis Polly
Arvin Rasoulzadeh
Kiumars Sharifmoghaddam
Hellmuth Stachel (emeritus)
Darja-Maria Zierau
Research profile [tiss]
List of projects [tiss]
Advanced computational design (SFB/SP7)
Teacher training
Sara Bentrifa
Udo Hertrich-Jeromin
Ivan Izmestiev
Georg Nawratil
Darja-Maria Zierau
Mathematical models
Kinematic models
Map projections
Site archive
FB wiki (internal)
Main Page
Picture Gallery of Map Projections
Picture Gallery of Map Projections
Hundreds of different views of the earth
Select one of the thirty six projections from below to start your tour through our gallery.
The projection, its aspect, and some other settings can be altered in a second step.
Read about the aspect of a map projection and other settings.
Cylindrical Equidistant Projection
Cylindrical Equal-Area Projection
Mercator's Cylindrical Conformal Projection
Gall's Cylindrical Projection
Conical Equidistant Projection
Conical Equal-Area Projection
Conical Conformal Projection
Conical Gnomonic Projection
Polyconic Projection
Polyconic Projection (orthogonal grid)
Azimuthal Equidistant Projection
Azimuthal Equal-Area Projection
Stereographic Projection
Gnomonic Projection
Orthographic Projection
Perspective Projection
Solovjev's Double-Stereographic Projection
Sanson's Projection
Bonne's Projection
Stab-Werner Projection
Mollweide's Projection
Aitoff's Projection
Hammer's Projection
Winkel's Projection
Sanson's Projection (modified)
Apianius' Projection
Apianius II
Globular Projection
Eckhart's Trapezoid Projection
Pseudocylindrical Projection (Eckhart III)
Pseudocylindrical Projection (Eckhart V)
Kavraisky's Projection
Prepetit-Foucault Projection
Collignon's Projection
Wiechel's Projection
Wetch's Projection
Quick Links
Hans Havlicek
H. Havlicek: Mathematical Cartography
H. Havlicek: Visualisation
Sammlung mathematischer Modelle
(in German)
Sammlung kinematischer Modelle
(in German)
Analyse ebener Getriebe
(in German)
External Links
Odden's Bookmarks - The Fascinating World of Maps and Mapping
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Last modified on January 11th, 2024.