
Conferences, Research Colloquia & Seminars, Defenses, and other events

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Geometry Seminar

This is the research seminar of the group and focuses on recent research in (differential) geometry; during the semester the seminar is usually scheduled to take place on Wednesdays at 15:30 in the Dissertantenzimmer (or, during times of a pandemic, online). If you are interested in giving a talk, please contact the organizers: Ivan Izmestiev and Gudrun Szewieczek

Student Seminars

These seminars are usually part of the assessment and are open to the public, in particular, to interested students; topics typically focus on geometry but cover a wider range of areas, depending on the students' and the advisor's interests. Presentations are often delivered in German.

Summer 2019


ISHM2019: Integrable Systems and Harmonic Maps

In honour of Professor Francis Burstall's 60th birthday

16 September 2019 to 18 September 2019

Research Colloquium

Thu 12/9/2019, Shintaro Akamine (Nagoya University, Japan)

Duality of boundary value problems for minimal and maximal surfaces

Winter 2018/2019

Autumn School: Geometric Shape Generation

Supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) under grant I 3809

October 1st, 2018 to October 5th, 2018





Talks in the Geometry Seminar

  • Wed 30/1/2019

    Seminar talks by students (bachelor project and seminar)

  • Wed 23/1/2019, Andreas Fuchs

    GeomeTEA: Noether's Theorem

  • Wed 16/1/2019, Ivan Izmestiev

    Cross-ratio dynamics on ideal polygons

  • Wed 9/1/2019, Shoichi Fujimori (Okayama University)

    Pseudospherical tori with singularities

  • Wed 19/12/2019, Gudrun Szewieczek

    GeomeTEA: Creating G-surfaces and Guichard nets

  • Wed 12/12/2019

    no seminar

  • Wed 5/12/2018, Oleg Karpenkov (University of Liverpool)

    Infinitesimal and finite flexibility of semidiscrete surfaces

  • Wed 28/11/2018, Maria Lara Miro

    GeomeTEA: Biarc Curves

  • Fri 23/11/2018, Niklas Affolter (TU Berlin)

    Discrete and continuous Tractrices and Hyperbolic geometry

  • Fri 23/11/2018, Jan Techter (TU Berlin)

    Discrete confocal quadrics

  • Wed 14/11/2018, Denis Polly

    GeomeTEA: Surfaces of revolution

  • Wed 7/11/2018, Mason Pember

    Omega-surfaces: breaking news

  • Wed 10/10/2018, Miyuki Koiso (Kyushu University)

    Anisotropic surface energy and crystalline variational problems

Events in former years

External Links

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(W3C) Last modified on Fri 23 Jul 2021, 10:48:04 CEST