Differential Geometry and Geometric Structures
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Hans Havlicek: Talks

  1. Einbettung projektiver Desargues-Räume
    (Embedding of Desarguesian Projective Spaces)
    10th Congress of the Austrian Mathematical Society - DMV Jahrestagung, Innsbruck (Austria). September 17th, 1981.
    Abstract (PDF)
  2. Geometrie in Desargues-Räumen - Normkurven und Normisomorphismen
    (Geometry in Desarguesian Spaces - Normal Curves and Normal Isomorphisms)
    2nd Austrian Colloquium on Geometry, Rein (Austria). May 5th, 1983.
  3. Projektive Bündelisomorphismen
    (Projective Isomorphisms of Stars)
    2nd Austro-Hungarian Conference on Geometry, Siofok (Hungary). May 10th, 1983.
    Abstract (PDF)
  4. Polynomial Identities and Geometry in Desarguesian Projective Spaces
    Invited Lecture, "Rings and Geometry" - NATO Advanced Study Institute, Istanbul (Turkey). September 4th, 1984.
  5. Normal Curves
    Invited Lecture, "Rings and Geometry" - NATO Advanced Study Institute, Istanbul (Turkey). September 5th, 1984.
  6. Habilitationskolloquium
    (Inaugural Colloquium)
    Technical University of Vienna (Austria). April 19th, 1985.
  7. Drei Bemerkungen zu Charakteristik zwei
    (Three Remarks on Characteristic Two)
    11th Congress of the Austrian Mathematical Society - DMV Jahrestagung, Graz (Austria). September 19th, 1985.
    Abstract (PDF)
  8. Linear Images of Grassmann-Spaces
    Invited Lecture, Conference on "Foundations of Geometry", Oberwolfach (Germany). October 31st, 1985.
    Abstract (PDF)
  9. Rationale Normregelgebilde
    (Rational Normal Ruled Manifolds)
    Invited Lecture, Conference on "Algebraic Geometry from a Synthetic Point of View", Oberwolfach (Germany). April 17th, 1986.
    Report (PDF)
  10. Liniengeometrische Modelle affiner 4-Räume
    (Affine 4-Spaces in Terms of Line Geometry)
    2nd International Conference of Geometry, Thessaloniki (Greece). June 5th, 1987.
  11. On Sets of Lines Corresponding to Affine Spaces
    Combinatorics '88, Ravello (Italy). May 25th, 1988.
    Abstract (PDF) | Slides (PDF)
  12. Affine Ableitung von Graßmann-Räumen
    (Affine Derivations of Grassmann Spaces)
    Invited Lecture, "Tag der Geometrie", University of Hannover, (Germany). June 18th, 1988.
  13. On Orbits of Collineation Groups
    Invited Lecture, Conference on "Foundations of Geometry", Oberwolfach (Germany). December 20th, 1988.
    Slides (PDF)
  14. Über Kegelschnitte in Ebenen der Charakteristik zwei
    (On Conics in Planes of Characteristic Two)
    Colloquium in memoriam Prof. Fritz Hohenberg, Seggauberg (Austria). May 4th, 1989.
    Abstract (PDF) | Slides (PDF)
  15. Projektive Geometrie über Schiefkörpern
    (Projective Geometry over Skew Fields)
    2nd Austro-Czechoslovak Symposium on Geometry, Bratislava & Smolenice & Račkova Dolina (Czechoslovakia). May 22nd, 1989.
    Slides (PDF) | References (PDF)
  16. Kartenentwürfe
    (Map Projections)
    Invited Lecture, 10th National Meeting of Teachers of Descriptive Geometry, St. Wolfgang (Austria). October 24th, 1989.
    Supplementary material (PDF)
  17. A STEINER-like Approach to some BAER-Subplanes
    Congress "300 Years of Hamburg Mathematical Society", Hamburg (Germany). March 22nd, 1990.
    Abstract (PDF) | Slides (PDF)
  18. Die Projektivitäten und Antiprojektivitäten der Quaternionengeraden
    (The Projectivities and Anti-Projectivities on the Quaternion Projective Line)
    1st Symposium on Geometry "German Democratic Republic - Austria", Schloß Rosenau (Austria). May 8th, 1990.
    Slides (PDF)
  19. Geometrie + Geographie = Kartographie?
    (Geometry + Geography = Cartography?)
    Invited Lecture, Meeting of Grammar School Teachers of Descriptive Geometry from Vienna, Vienna (Austria). October 4th, 1990.
  20. Über einige duale Faserungen
    (On some Dual Spreads)
    Invited Lecture, "Reinhold Baer Colloquium on Geometry", University of Mainz (Germany). December 15th, 1990.
    Notices (PDF)
  21. Einige Gedanken zur stereographischen Projektion
    (Some Thoughts Concerning the Stereographic Projection)
    Invited Lecture, Colloquium on Geomety, Technical University of Vienna (Austria). March 22nd, 1991.
  22. Zur Geometrie über Schiefkörpern
    (On Geometry over Skew Fields)
    Invited Lecture, Colloquium on the occasion of the 75th birthday of Prof. Hanfried Lenz, Free University of Berlin (Germany). May 25th, 1991.
    Slides (PDF)
  23. Dual Spreads Generated by Collineations
    3rd International Conference of Geometry, Thessaloniki (Greece). May 28th, 1991.
  24. Rund um das Drehnetz
    (All Around the Elliptic Congruence of Revolution)
    Invited Lecture, Mini-Colloquium on Geometry, Technical University of Graz (Austria). December 16th, 1991.
  25. Fixpunkte von Kreisverwandtschaften
    (Invariant Points of Circular Transformations)
    7th Hungaro-Austrian Conference on Geometry, Seggauberg (Austria). May 1st, 1992.
    Abstract (PDF) | Slides (PDF)
  26. Landkartenentwürfe
    (Map Projections)
    Invited Lecture, Meeting of Technical School Teachers of Descriptive Geometry from Lower Austria, Wiener Neustadt (Austria). May 18th, 1992.
  27. Buchbesprechung: "Darstellende Geometrie" von Klix-Nickel
    (Presentation and Review of a Book on "Descriptive Geometry" by Klix-Nickel)
    Invited Lecture, Meeting of Technical School Teachers of Descriptive Geometry from Lower Austria, Wiener Neustadt (Austria). May 18th, 1992.
  28. On the Geometry of Field Extensions
    Combinatorics '92 (3rd Catania Conference), Acireale (Italy). September 10th, 1992.
    Abstract (PDF) | Slides (PDF)
  29. Kartenentwürfe
    (Map Projections)
    Invited Lecture, Meeting of Grammar School Teachers of Descriptive Geometry from the Tyrol, Innsbruck. November 27th 1992.
  30. Spreads of Right Quadratic Skew Field Extensions
    Invited Lecture, Conference on "Foundations of Geometry", Oberwolfach (Germany). January 7th, 1993.
  31. Altes und Neues aus der Liniengeometrie
    (Old and New from Line Geometry)
    Invited Lecture, Conference on Geometry, University of Potsdam (Germany). April 2nd, 1993.
    Abstract and Slides (PDF)
  32. Transformationen des Linienraumes
    (Transformations in Line Geometry)
    Invited Lecture, University of Sopron (Hungary). May 10th, 1993.
  33. Möbius-Geometrie auf der S2 und der S4
    (Geometry of Möbius on the 2-Sphere and the 4-Sphere)
    4th Austro-Slovak-Czech Conference on Geometry, Kořenov (Czech Republic). June 1st, 1993.
    Slides (PDF)
  34. Geometrische Grundlagen der Kartographie
    (Geometric Foundations of Cartography)
    Invited Lecture, Colloquium for Students, University of Hamburg (Germany). July 5th, 1993.
    Abstract (PDF)
  35. Faserungen und quadratische Körpererweiterungen
    (Spreads and Quadratic Field Extensions)
    Invited Lecture, University of Hamburg, (Germany). July 6th, 1993.
    Slides (PDF)
  36. Geometrie + Geographie = Kartographie?
    (Geometry + Geography = Cartography?)
    Invited Lecture, Meeting of Grammar School Teachers of Descriptive Geometry from Lower Austria, Petzenkirchen (Austria). February 17th, 1994.
  37. Spreads and Quadratic Field Extensions
    Invited Lecture, University of Rome "La Sapienza" (Italy). April 27th 1994.
    Slides (PDF)
  38. Non-Central Quadratic Field Extensions and Their Point Models
    Combinatorics '94, Rome & Montesilvano (Italy). September 13th, 1994.
    Slides (PDF)
  39. Symplektische Plücker-Transformationen
    (Symplectic Plücker Transformations)
    Conference on Geometry, Seggauberg (Austria). May 16th, 1995.
    Abstract (PDF) | Slides (PDF)
  40. Zur Matrixdarstellung von Zentralaxonometrien
    (On the Matrix Representation of Central Axonometries)
    Konstruktive Geometrie, Balatonföldvár (Hungary). September 15th, 1995.
    Abstract (PDF) | Slides (PDF)
  41. Was ist der "richtige" Abschluß eines affinen Raumes?
    (Is there a "Correct" Closure of an Affine Space?)
    Invited Lecture, Technical University of Dresden (Germany). December 19th, 1995.
    Slides (PDF)
  42. Strukturerhaltende Abbildungen in der Geometrie
    (Structure Preserving Mappings in Geometry)
    Invited Lecture, Colloquium on the occasion of the 65th birthday of Prof. Walter Benz, University of Hamburg (Germany). May 3rd, 1996.
    Slides (PDF) | References (PDF)
  43. Isomorphisms of affine Plücker spaces
    4th International Conference on Geometry, Thessaloniki (Greece). May 28th, 1996.
    Abstract (PDF) | Slides (PDF)
  44. Geometry of Field Extensions
    Invited Lecture, Conference on Geometry, Potsdam (Germany). April 4th, 1997.
  45. Descriptive Geometry and Linear Algebra
    Invited Lecture, Kossuth Lajos University, Debrecen (Hungary). May 8th, 1997.
    References (PDF)
  46. Linear Algebra and Descriptive Geometry
    Invited Lecture, University of Miskolc (Hungary). May 21st, 1997.
  47. Invariant Points of Circular Transformations
    Invited Lecture, University "P.J. Šafárik", Košice (Slovakia). May 22nd, 1997.
  48. Lineare Abbildungen reeller Räume
    (Linear Mappings of Real Spaces)
    Geometrie Tagung "107 Jahre Drehfluchtprinzip", Vorau (Austria). June 6th, 1997.
    Slides (PDF)
  49. Geometrie auf der Kugel
    (Spherical Geometry)
    Tag der offenen Tür am Institut für Geometrie, Vienna University of Technology (Austria). September 19th, 1997.
  50. "Maple" im Geometrieunterricht an der TU Wien
    (Implementing "Maple" in a Course on Geometry at the Vienna University of Technology)
    Invited Lecture, 18th National Meeting of Teachers of Descriptive Geometry, St. Wolfgang (Austria). November 3rd, 1997.
    Slides (PDF)
  51. The Veronese Surface in PG(5,3) and Witt's 5-(12,6,1) Design
    Invited Lecture, Catholic University of Brescia (Italy). March 17th, 1998.
    Slides (PDF)
  52. The Veronese Surface in PG(5,3) and Witt's 5-(12,6,1) Design
    Invited Lecture, University of Padova (Italy). March 18th, 1998.
  53. The Veronese Surface in PG(5,3) and Witt's 5-(12,6,1) Design
    Combinatorics '98, Mondello (Italy). June 18th, 1998.
  54. Zur Differentialgeometrie bei Charakteristik p > 0
    (On Differential Geometry in Case of Characteristic p > 0)
    Konstruktive Geometrie, Balatonföldvár (Hungary). September 15th, 1998.
    Slides (PDF)
  55. Pascal-Dreieck und rationale Normkurven bei Charakteristik p > 0
    (Pascal's Triangle and Normal Rational Curves in Case of Characteristic p > 0)
    Invited Lecture, University of Oldenburg (Germany). October 27th, 1998.
    Slides (PDF)
  56. Zur Geometrie in Räumen über Körpern positiver Charakteristik: Von Pascal bis Timmermann
    (Geometry over Fields with non-zero Characteristic: From Pascal to Timmermann)
    Invited Lecture, University of Hamburg (Germany). October 28th, 1998.
  57. Giuseppe Veronese and Ernst Witt - Neighbours in PG(5,3)
    8th International Conference on Geometry, Nahsholim (Israel). March 11th, 1999.
    Slides (PDF)
  58. Nichteuklidische Geometrie und Quantenlogik
    (Non-Euclidean Geometry and Quantum Logic)
    Geometrie Tagung, Vorau (Austria). June 1st, 1999.
    Slides (PDF)
  59. Some Remarks on the Embeddings of Grassmann, Segre, and Veronese
    Invited Lecture, University of Rome "La Sapienza" (Italy). July 1st, 1999.
    Slides (PDF)
  60. A Dimension Formula for the Nucleus of a Veronese Variety
    4th International Conference on Geometry and Application, Varna (Bulgaria). August 29th, 1999.
    Slides (PDF)
  61. Decompositions of Linear Mappings
    Invited Lecture, University of Thessaloniki (Greece). March 21st, 2000.
    Slides (PDF)
  62. Veronese Varieties over Fields with Non Zero Characteristic: A Survey
    Invited Lecture, Combinatorics 2000, Gaeta (Italy). May 31st, 2000.
    Slides (PDF)
  63. Kettengeometrien mit großem Durchmesser
    (Chain Geometries with Large Diameter)
    DMV Jahrestagung, Dresden (Germany). September 18th, 2000.
    Slides (PDF)
  64. Geometrie: Strukturen oder Figuren?
    (What is Geometry: Structures or Figures?)
    Invited Lecture, "Wissenswertes aus der Mathematik", Vienna University of Technology (Austria). April 2nd, 2001.
    Slides (PDF)
  65. Twelve Points in PG(5,3) with 95040 Self-Transfomations—Remarks on a Paper by Coxeter
    Minicolloquium on Geometry, Technical University of Graz (Austria). May 28th, 2001.
    Slides (PDF)
  66. Recent Results in Chain Geometry
    5th International Conference on Geometry an Applications, Varna (Bulgaria). August 25th, 2001.
    Slides (PDF)
  67. Dualität in der Kettengeometrie
    (Duality in Chain Geometry)
    15th Congress of the Austrian Mathematical Society - DMV Jahrestagung, Vienna (Austria). September 20th, 2001.
    Slides (PDF)
  68. Kettengeometrien über Schiefkörpern
    (Chain Geometries over Skew Fields)
    Invited Lecture, "Reinhold Baer Colloquium on Geometry", University of Stuttgart (Germany). November 24th, 2001.
  69. Jordan-Homomorphismen und harmonische Abbildungen
    (Jordan Homomorphisms and Harmonic Mappings)
    29th Conference on Geometry and Algebra, Berlin (Germany). February 18th, 2002.
    Slides (PDF)
  70. Construction and Applications of Spreads: An Introduction
    Invited Lecture, Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision Colloquium, Spring 2002. Czech Technical University, Prague (Czech Republic). April 4th, 2002.
  71. Von der Netzprojektion zu algebraischen Faserungen: Ein Streifzug durch die Liniengeometrie
    (From the Skew Projection towards Algebraic Spreads: An Excursion to Line Geometry)
    Invited Lecture, Technical University of Dresden (Germany). April 9th, 2002.
  72. Höhen eines Tetraeders und spurfreie quadratische Formen
    (Altitudes of a Tetrahedron and Traceless Quadratic Forms)
    Invited Lecture, University of Potsdam (Germany). April 10th, 2002.
  73. Vier Höhen - eine Gleichung
    (Four Altitudes - One Equation)
    Geometrie Tagung, Vorau (Austria). May 28th, 2002.
    Slides without pictures (PDF)
  74. On Bijections that Preserve Complementary Subspaces
    Combinatorics 2002, Maratea (Italy). June 7th, 2002.
    Slides (PDF)
  75. Chain Geometries over Skew Fields
    Invited Lecture, Catholic University of Brescia (Italy). June 26th, 2002.
  76. Line Models for Projective Lines over Rings
    Invited Lecture, Colloquium on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Department of Geometry, Budapest University of Technology (Hungary). September 6th, 2002.
  77. Some Remarks on the Theorem of von Staudt-Hua
    Invited Lecture, Budapest University of Technology (Hungary). September 10th, 2002.
  78. Im Anfang war der Kreis
    Invited Lecture, Colloquium on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Prof. Ralph-Hardo Schulz, Free University of Berlin (Germany). December 6th, 2002.
    Slides (PDF)
  79. Distant-Automorphisms of the Projective Line over a Ring
    30th Conference on Geometry and Algebra, Berlin (Germany). February 25th, 2003.
  80. Dreidimensionale Kettengeometrien und ihre Visualisierung
    Dresden Symposium - Geometry: constructive & kinematic (in commemoration of Prof. Rudolf Bereis, 1903-1966), Dresden (Germany). March 1st, 2003.
    Slides (PDF)
  81. A Parallelism Based on the Jacobson Radical of a Ring
    6th International Conference on Geometry and Applications, Varna, (Bulgaria). September 7th, 2003.
    Slides (PDF)
  82. A Three-Dimensional Laguerre Geometry
    8th Meeting of the Austrian Mathematical Society - Joint Conference in Cooperation with SIMAI and UMI, Bozen/Bolzano (Italy). September 26th, 2003.
    Slides (PDF)
  83. Abbildungen in der Geometrie
    (Mappings in Geometry)
    Invited Lecture, Technical University of Graz (Austria). October 17th, 2003.
    Slides (PDF)
  84. Vom Kreis zu linearen MDS-Codes
    (From the Circle towards Linear MDS-Codes) Invited Lecture, University of Greifswald (Germany). November 18th, 2003.
    Slides (PDF)
  85. Windschiefe Kubiken auf der Cayley Fläche
    (Twisted Cubics on Cayley's Surface) Geometrie Tagung, Vorau, (Austria). June 11th, 2004.
    Slides (PDF)
  86. My Favorite 12-Cap in PG(5,3)
    Kolloquium über Kombinatorik, Magdeburg, (Germany). November 12th, 2004.
    Abstract (PDF)
  87. Jordan Homomorphisms of Rings and Their Action on Projective Lines
    Invited Lecture, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). April 20th, 2005.
    Abstract (PDF)
  88. Berührung höherer Ordnung auf der Cayleyschen Fläche
    (Higher Order Contact on Cayley's surface)
    30. Süddeutsches Differentialgeometrie-Kolloquium, Dresden (Germany). May 27th, 2005.
    Slides (PDF)
  89. A Distance Space on Cayley's Ruled Surface
    7th International Conference on Geometry and Applications, Varna, (Bulgaria). September 8th, 2005.
    Slides (PDF)
  90. Die Isometrien der Cayleyschen Fläche
    (The Isometries of Cayley's Surface)
    16th Congress of the Austrian Mathematical Society - DMV Jahrestagung, Klagenfurt (Austria). September 20th, 2005.
    Slides (PDF)
  91. Jenseits der pentazyklischen Koordinaten
    (Pentacyclic Coordinates and Beyond)
    Invited Lecture, Colloquium on the occasion of the 75th birthday of Prof. Walter Benz, University of Hamburg (Germany). June 9th, 2006.
    Slides (PDF)
  92. Lifting of Divisible Designs
    Combinatorics 2006, Ischia Porto (Italy). June 26th, 2006.
    Slides (PDF)
  93. Divisible Designs from Twisted Dual Numbers
    Finite Geometries, Second Irsee Conference, Irsee (Germany). September 15th, 2006.
    Slides (PDF)
  94. Osculating Tangents of Cayley's Ruled Surface and the Betten-Walker Spread
    To the Memory of Wolfgang Rath, June 6th, 1955 - September 13th, 2006.
    First Croatian Conference on Geometry and Graphics, Bjelolasica (Croatia). September 22nd, 2006.
    Slides (PDF)
  95. Jenseits der pentazyklischen Koordinaten
    (Pentacyclic Coordinates and Beyond)
    Vienna University of Technology (Austria). October 19th, 2006.
    Slides (PDF)
  96. Über die Schmiegtangentenkongruenz der Cayley-Fläche
    (On the Congruence of Osculating Tangents of Cayley's Surface)
    Invited Lecture, Technical University of Dresden (Germany). November 15th, 2006.
    Slides (PDF)
  97. Geometric Interpretations of Quadratic Field Extensions
    Invited Lecture, Catholic University of Brescia (Italy). March 29th, 2007.
  98. The Betten-Walker Spread Revisited
    Invited Lecture, Giornata di Geometria Combinatoria in memoria di Alessandro Bichara, University of Rome "La Sapienza" (Italy). April 14th, 2007.
    Slides (PDF)
  99. From Geometry to Invertibility Preservers
    Conference on Geometry, Vorau, (Austria). June 6th, 2007.
    Slides (PDF)
  100. A Mathematician's Insight into the Saniga-Planat Theorem
    Invited Lecture, Finite Projective Geometry in Quantum Theory, Tatranská Lomnica, (Slovakia). August 2nd, 2007.
    Slides (PDF)
  101. A Spread from Cayley's Ruled Cubic Surface
    8th International Conference on Geometry and Applications, Varna, (Bulgaria). September 7th, 2007.
    Slides (PDF)
  102. Qudits and Geometry over Rings
    35th Conference on Geometry and Algebra, Berlin (Germany). March 3rd, 2008.
    Slides (PDF)
  103. Gekrümmte Erdkugel - Flache Landkarte. Geometrie und Kartenentwürfe
    (Round Earth - Flat Map. Geometry and Map Projections)
    Invited Lecture, Continuing Education for Teachers, organised by 'Pädagogische Hochschule Wien', Vienna University of Technology (Austria). March 5th, 2008.
    Slides (PDF)
  104. Erinnerungen an Heinrich Brauner (1928-1990)
    (Recollections of Heinrich Brauner (1928-1990))
    33rd South German Colloquium on Differential Geometry, Vienna University of Technology (Austria). May 23rd, 2008.
    Slides (PDF)
  105. Diameter Preserving Surjections in the Geometry of Matrices
    Invited Lecture, 5th Linear Algebra Workshop, Kranjska Gora (Slovenia). May 27th, 2008.
    Slides (PDF)
  106. Gekrümmte Erdkugel - Flache Landkarte. Geometrie und Kartenentwürfe
    (Round Earth - Flat Map. Geometry and Map Projections)
    Invited Lecture, 29th National Meeting of Teachers of Descriptive Geometry, St. Wolfgang (Austria). November 6th, 2008.
    Slides (PDF)
  107. Adjacency Preservers vs. Diameter Preservers
    Invited Lecture, University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn (Poland). November 25th, 2008.
    Slides (PDF)
  108. Dual Polar Spaces and the Geometry of Matrices I
    Plenary Lecture, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), University of Bielefeld (Germany). October 12th, 2009.
    Slides (PDF)
  109. Dual Polar Spaces and the Geometry of Matrices II
    Plenary Lecture, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), University of Bielefeld (Germany). October 13th, 2009.
    Slides (PDF)
  110. Dual Polar Spaces and the Geometry of Matrices III
    Plenary Lecture, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), University of Bielefeld (Germany). October 14th, 2009.
    Slides (PDF)
  111. Matrix Spaces and Grassmannians
    Invited Lecture, University of Padova, Vicenza (Italy). February 1st, 2010.
    Slides (PDF)
  112. Diameter Preserving Surjections in the Geometry of Matrices
    Combinatorics 2010, Verbania (Italy). July 2nd, 2010.
    Slides (PDF)
  113. Geometries on σ-Hermitian Matrices
    Invited Lecture, Modern Algebra and Its Applications, Rustaveli State University, Batumi (Georgia). September 22nd, 2010.
    Slides (PDF)
  114. Geometries on σ-Hermitian Matrices
    Invited Lecture, University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn (Poland). November 30th, 2010.
    Slides (PDF)
  115. Einhundert Projektionsprobleme - Ein Programm zum Zeichnen von Karten
    (One Hundred Projection Problems - A Programme for Drawing Maps)
    Invited Lecture, Enter Cartography, University of Applied Arts, Vienna (Austria). June 16th, 2011.
    Slides (PDF)
  116. Möbius Pairs and Pauli Operators
    Conference on Geometry - Theory and Applications, Vorau (Austria). June 22nd, 2011.
    Slides (PDF)
  117. On Möbius Pairs of Simplices
    10th International Conference on Geometry and Applications, Varna (Bulgaria). September 5th, 2011.
    Slides (PDF)
  118. Mutually Inscribed and Circumscribed Simplices - Where Möbius Meets Pauli
    Invited Lecture, University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn (Poland). September 21st, 2011.
    Slides (PDF)
  119. Laudatio auf Emer.O.Univ.Prof. Mag. Dr. Dr.h.c. Hellmuth Stachel
    (Laudatory Speech for Prof. Hellmuth Stachel)
    Invited Lecture, Vienna University of Technology (Austria). October 20th, 2011.
    Full text (PDF)
  120. Matrix Spaces vs. Projective Lines over Rings
    Invited Lecture, Colloquium on Pure Mathematics, University of Hamburg (Germany). June 5th, 2012.
    Slides (PDF)
  121. Geometrie der zyklischen Untermoduln über den Ternionen
    (Geometry of Cyclic Submoduls over Ternions)
    Invited Lecture, 'Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geometrie', University of Hamburg (Germany). June 6th, 2012.
  122. Projective Ring Lines and Their Generalisations
    Invited Lecture, Combinatorics 2012, Perugia (Italy). September 10th, 2012.
    Slides (PDF)
  123. A Note on Segre Varieties in Characteristic Two
    11th International Conference on Geometry and Its Applications, Varna (Bulgaria). September 4th, 2013.
    Slides (PDF)
  124. A Note on Segre Varieties in Characteristic Two
    Workshop & Summer School on Finite Semifields, Padova (Italy). September 13th, 2013.
    Slides (PDF)
  125. Preserver Problems in Geometry
    Invited Lecture, 6th Podlasie Conference on Mathematics, Białystok (Poland). July 2nd, 2014.
    Slides (PDF)
  126. Tetrads of Lines Spanning PG(7,2)
    Finite Geometries, Fourth Irsee Conference, Irsee (Germany). September 8th, 2014.
    Slides (PDF)
  127. Von Staudt's Theorem Revisited
    Conference on Geometry: Theory and Applications, Kefermarkt (Austria). June 11th, 2015.
    Slides (PDF)
  128. Clifford Parallelisms and External Planes to the Klein Quadric
    Invited Lecture, University of Padova, Vicenza (Italy). September 11th, 2015.
  129. Harmonicity Preservers
    Giornate di Geometria 2015, Caserta (Italy). September 17th, 2015.
    Slides (PDF)
  130. Clifford Parallelisms and External Planes to the Klein Quadric
    Invited Lecture, Catholic University of Brescia, (Italy). September 21st, 2015.
  131. Clifford Parallelisms and External Planes to the Klein Quadric
    Vienna University of Technology (Austria). January 13th, 2016.
  132. Harmonicity Preservers of Projective Lines
    Combinatorics 2016, Maratea (Italy). May 31st, 2016.
    Slides (PDF)
  133. 170 Years of Harmonicity Preservers
    Invited Lecture, XI Północne Spotkania Geometryczne, University of Gdańsk (Poland). June 21st, 2017.
    Slides (PDF)
  134. Linear Sets in the Projective Line over the Endomorphism Ring of a Finite Field
    Finite Geometries, Fifth Irsee Conference, Irsee (Germany). September 11th, 2017.
    Slides (PDF)
  135. Begegnungen mit Helmut Karzel
    (Encounters with Helmut Karzel)
    Invited Lecture, Colloquium on the occasion of the 90th birthday of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Helmut Karzel, Berlin (Germany). February 3rd, 2018.
    Slides with English translation (PDF)
  136. Regular Parallelisms in Terms of the Klein Quadric
    Invited Lecture, Catholic University of Brescia (Italy). April 13th, 2018.
    Slides (PDF)
  137. Pencilled Regular Parallelisms
    Combinatorics 2018, Arco (Italy). June 8th, 2018.
    Slides (PDF)
  138. Pencilled Regular Parallelisms
    To the memory of Rolf Riesinger (1946-2018)
    Conference on Geometry: Theory and Applications. CGTA 2019, Innsbruck (Austria). June 5th, 2019.
    Slides (PDF)
  139. Projective Metric Geometry and Clifford Algebras
    Invited Lecture, University of Brescia (Italy). April 7th, 2022.
    Slides (PDF)
  140. Parallelisms and Algebras: A Tribute to Silvia Pianta
    Invited Lecture, Geometric Structures and Loops - A Day in Honor of Silvia Pianta and Elena Zizioli, Catholic University of Brescia (Italy). April 8th, 2022.
    Slides (PDF)
  141. Projective Metric Geometry and Clifford Algebras
    Combinatorics 2024, Carovigno (Italy). June 4th, 2024.
    Slides (PDF)

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Last modified on June 10th, 2024.